Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Marvin: The Adequate Optometrist
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Saturday Sep 26, 2020
Marvin is an adequate optometrist at best and a disappointment to his father, Dr. Jekyll. But when Dr. Jekyll comes up with a morally scrupulous method of improving Marvin's optometry business, Marvin is going to have to figure out if making his father proud means more to him than the sight of elderly ladies.
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Song List: "Marvin" "Why Couldn't this Man Ride" "Blind Them" "Rainbow Blinding Song" "More than Adequate (You're so badequate)"
Cast: Alexia Brinsley, Emmet Nichols, Ally Reynolds and Hayden Dun on keys.
Teched by Hollie James
Edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
The Bees Be Gone (with Special Guest Rob Broderick AKA Abandoman)
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Saturday Sep 19, 2020
Title by Ryan Patterson
Safety Paul puts safety before everything but his friends. When bees threaten to ruin a picnic, everyone is about to learn what really keeps them alive.
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Song List: "Delightful Picnic", "The Story of Safety Paul", "Let Me Bee", "Buzz Buzz I've Taken Your Friends", "An Ode to a Friend", "Bees Are Your Friends", "Your Friends Keep You Alive (So Bring Them Into Your Hive)"
Cast: Hollie James, Morgan Phillips, David Peake on keys and special guest Rob Broderick aka Abandoman
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Rob Mills: The Untold Story
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Saturday Sep 12, 2020
Title by Naomi Wales
Think you know Rob Mills? Well, you don't. He has a history he's been trying to keep quiet, but Impromptunes is here to lift the lid on the story you haven't heard.
Song List: "You Think You KNow Him" " I'm a Bad Boy" "Cat Burglar" "The Punishment Must Fit The Crime" I Love You" "He's a Good Knight"
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Cast: Emmet Nichols, Hollie James, Jack O'Riley and Joshua Webb on keys.
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Life & Times of Gavin
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Saturday Sep 05, 2020
Title by Marellen Haag
At the age of fifteen, Gavin was the coolest kid in the whole town, but growing older was not a piece of cake. At the age of 34 he's lost it all, including his wife Darla and a winning lottery ticket. Can an unexpected reunion with his old home-ecc teacher help turn Gavin's life around?
Song List: "Have You Heard About Gavin?"' "Oh Gavin (My Life is So Depravin)" "If You Want to Make A... (Mrs Truffle's Song)" "A Cake For Darla" "You Can't Leave a Leaver"
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Cast: Morgan Phillips, Emmet Nichols, Ally Reynolds and Kohan Van Sambeek
Teched by Brenna Glazebrook
Edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
The Wonderful Lizard of Oz (with Isaac Hayward)
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Title by Ethan Tapp
There's a problem at the London Zoo and who better to solve it than the world's leading zookeeper, Harold Stevenson.
Song List: "I'm a Lizard in the UK", Harold Is a Zookeeper (The Very Best One There Is)", "Rockabye Baby and Other Sound Advice", "A Bad Tale of a Bad Tail", "Because, Because, Because"
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Cast: Isabella Vallette, Morgan Phillips, Emmet Nichols and special guest Isaac Hayward on keys
Edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
The Adjoining Wall
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Title by Abby J Ross
Janelle DeCollins has noticed something suspicious with her next door neighbours, and that makes the police suspicious of her. But she's just the latest victim of two brothers in crime and family from Chicago.
Song List: "What's Going On Behing the Wall", "Crime Knows Crime", "Dead Cops and Garlic Bread (Snack Attack)", "Keep It On, Dad", "I See, I Smell a Pizza Pie, You're Gonna Die", "We're Like a Family, Because We Are",
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Cast: Hollie James, Emmet Nichols, Amy Ruffle and Joshua Webb on keys
Teched and edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Parent Trap the Musical
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Title by Jess Phillippi
Dads (Nigel and Darren) are trapped in a hole dug by their daughter (Gemima). They discover a secret series of tunnels where they meet their family Doctor, Dr. Sphenson, who helps them to realise their children are out of control and can't be trusted. Gemima and Tommy Sphenson drive around town in their car but break down in Murder Forest. The parents realise they need to approach their digging and parenting from a different angle. The kids meet some weird crowns and everyone learns a lot.
Song List: "Dig a hole - Make you whole", "Dig and Dig and Dig","Ah Children - Never Trust the Youth", "We're Gonna Ride Ride Ride", "See It From a Different Angle", "Parent Trap the Musical/Set Yourself Free"
Wanna show Impromptunes some financial love? Check out our patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/impromptunes
Cast: Emmet Nichols, Jacob Kuek, Teresa Ewan and Joshua Webb on keys
Teched by Jack O'Riley
Edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Beaches and Peaches
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Saturday Aug 08, 2020
Title by Matt Eberhart
Roger Sassy, the Grand Master of Heatherington Beach is ready to retire to Heatherington Cave and abdicates his crown to Lucy. But surfing life is more complex than the sweetness of a peach.
Song List: "Summers Here, Give a Cheer", "I'm Roger Sassy and I'm Hanging Up My Board", "Eat it Bite By Bite", "Patrick Swayer, The True King", "Surf to Victory", "Contest for the Crown", "Surfer Fin-Fin's Time", "Fully Sick Together"
Cast: Hollie James, Jacqueline Irvine, Izaak Lim and Hayden Dun on keys
Teched and edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Isolate The Musical
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Title by Leane Liesegang
Surveyor Stevens and Captain Cloopie are in search of the Penguin Emperor's golden eggs, but each has different reasons for the hunt.
Song List: "So Nice to be on Thin Ice", "200 000 Reasons to Succeed", "Penguins - we are full of wisdom, we are full bravery", "Hey Little Fairy Penguins - I'm little Steve", "No No No My Memories not gonna go - what was I saying again.... I'm gonna protect you my lord", "Go for Gold", "I'm Scared the Ice is Cracking", "Everybody wait ", "Climate change, people change, life is strange, we can change"
Cast: Emmet Nichols, Jack O'Riley, Jacqueline Irvine and Joshua Webb on keys
Teched by Hollie James
Edited by Morgan Phillips
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Head Office Has Gone Fishing
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Saturday Jul 25, 2020
Title by Josie Lane
In an office where breaks are a dirty word, how will Louis pick between a holiday and justice?
Song List: "Everything Would Be Just Fine (If Wasn't Working Double Time)", "Give Me Some Time With You", "Yes, That's My Vision!", "Water, Water, Water You Got For Me?", "Get Out Of Here, You Dumb Employees, "The Cops Ain't Got Not Time For White Collar Crime"
Cast: Brenna Glazebrook, Morgan Phillips and Asher Griffith-Jones and Kohan van Sambeek on keys
Teched by Emmet Nichols
Edited by Morgan Phillips